Organ update, May 2023
Putting some finishing touches to the newly installed Positiv division. One of the rare opportunities that the current organ renovation afforded was the temporary opening up of the large organ chamber situated behind the reredos. This space was originally designed to accommodate the 1929 organ when the church was built. Increasingly stuffed full of organ […]

IF I WERE A BELL, I’D BE RINGING! As Sister Sarah in Frank Loesser’s “Guys and Dolls” knows, bells should be rung. Now we can hear our bell once again. Today’s parish hall incorporates a good portion of the original church including the bell tower that faces East Chestnut Hill Avenue. If you have ever […]
The Dynamic Duo of Art Restoration
Congratulations to our St. Paul’s Parishioners Paige Miller and Diana Whitener who were featured in a video from our diocese today on Faith and Art! Our St. Paul’s family is doubly blessed by their presence. Diana is a vocalist and painter, and has been at St. Paul’s for nearly ten years as a staff singer […]
Light at the end of the tunnel
Unexpected discoveries are an inevitable feature of every organ renovation. However exhaustive the preliminary inspection of an old instrument may be, the sheer complexity and tightly-packed structure of a pipe organ mean that full access and examination are impossible until it can be dismantled into its individual components. Unpleasant surprises are commonplace. The current renovation […]
8/11/22: Renovation Update
We are in the final stretch of completing the Parish Hall renovation. Progress is being made every day. The property committee is excited to share the progress. Kitchen Renovation All of the old kitchen equipment has been removed including cabinets, appliances, and sinks. New equipment is on order and prep work in the Swift Bird […]