
The Dynamic Duo of Art Restoration

Congratulations to our St. Paul’s Parishioners Paige Miller and Diana Whitener who were featured in a video from our diocese today on Faith and Art! Our St. Paul’s family is doubly blessed by their presence. Diana is a vocalist and painter, and has been at St. Paul’s for nearly ten years as a staff singer and assistant to the children’s choir program. Paige is a regular acolyte at the 11:00am service on Sundays, and her skills in metal and wood working have already been gifted through the renovation of St. Paul’s beautiful old thurible as well as designing and building our new creche blessed on Christmas. Paige and Diana were engaged on the Choir tour of England last year and will be married at St. Paul’s next year. This video highlights their new restoration business, Natural Medium: Sacred Arts, and powerfully conveys the depth of their spiritual connection to God through art. It also tells the story of their role in renovating our Historic Diocesan Crozier (Bishop’s Staff).