
Profile Progress

An Update from John Rollins, Chair of the Parish Profile Team.

That was an unexpected way to celebrate Easter! The music was glorious as always – but I think I heard it last year? We joined hearts and spirits, but we could not clasp hands in the Peace. We rejoiced, and yet we wonder.

Rest assured we are still working to call our next Rector! As you can see from the list below, we’ve got three teams and many St. Paul’s members working to sort out our Parish Profile, which will eventually be used to attract our next Rector. Two teams are working to interpret and summarize all of the generous feedback received through the All-Parish Survey. We heard from 210 parishioners, and you provided great insights about St. Paul’s and our hopes for the future. In addition to all of the numeric feedback you provided, we also got nearly 300 written comments. Two teams have divided the work, and are interpreting these quantitative data and personal notes. We will summarize what we find, feed that back to you, and then sort out the best way to talk that through. In the meantime a third team is beginning to sketch out the Profile itself compiling information about the parish which we want to share.

This is taking more time than we hoped, but that’s the current situation. So we’re pressing forward. We’re enthused about our work. We’re energized by all of your input. And we’re looking forward to discussing what you told us with the entire Parish. Please keep us in your prayers.

Data Analysis Team
Kathleen Karhnak-Glasby
Janice Fiore
Denise Jones
Sarah Latini
John Kimberly
Shana Stites
Carroll Sheppard
John Rollins
Ruth Desiderio

Writing Team
Valerie Stevens
Stewart Graham
Kara McShane
Chesley Lightsey
Madeline Schroth
Sue Proud
Clark Groome