
Narrowing the field of candidates

The Rector Search Committee has narrowed the field of candidates a lot and is now conducting two interviews in some weeks including second interviews, with an eye to which ones should be our finalists.  They continue to be a really varied and engaging group, several with young children, and they’re from places as widely separated as Texas, Florida, and Massachusetts.

St. Paul’s is a very appealing parish, according to them.  We’ve had many compliments on our Parish Profile, including one recent interviewee who said our photographs paint a “sparkling” picture of us.  So the time has come again to thank and praise Van Williams for his marvelous photos, and Matt Hyde (a committee member) for his and his company’s excellent work on the layout and overall polish of the Profile.  Our most recent interviewee said that what drew him to us was that, while we realize we have many blessings as a parish, we clearly feel compelled to do more in the world.   So the Committee is doing all we can to call a Rector who will be well equipped to help us expand that mission.  Stay tuned!

Louise Thompson
Chair of the Search Committee