4/7/21: Renovation Update
As an accommodation to OMC, we have agreed to postpone the sewer work until the end of their school year in early June. While that is a delay for the most anticipated component of our construction, other work is continuing.
The pictures below show progress on installation of new conduit for our modernized electrical service. These photos are from the bowling alley, at the bottom of the stairs to the lower level of the parish hall, and in the boiler room. Soon they will begin pulling wire and replacing the old panels with new code compliant equipment. In several weeks the new electrical service will start to go in near the Alexander room. Campus lighting will start shortly as will repairs and modifications to the roof on the education wing.
Within the week a dumpster will be placed in the driveway on the Bethlehem Pike side of the campus. This will be on site for the duration of construction. Not to worry, however, the drive will still be open to traffic and parking will be available.
It’s exciting to see work starting, even if one of the projects will lag behind the others. Thank you again for the contributions and pledges that are making this work possible.