
Preparing for interviews

The Rector Search Committee has been setting up its processes, most recently developing specific interview questions to use with each candidate, based on the skills that the parish said we should be looking for. We’ve taken this week off, but next Tuesday, January 5th, we’ll meet to conduct a mock interview. By mid-January we should be able to start our Zoom interviews of actual candidates.

What does a mock interview look like as a part of a clergy search? There are clergy in this area who volunteer to be the interviewee for search committees, so we can develop our answers to the questions that our candidates may ask. For instance, if s/he asks about our outreach programs, we can practice both what we want to say and who will speak for us about outreach. Since our committee members are involved in all the different ministries of St. Paul’s, those ministries will all be accurately and enthusiastically represented.

Please keep praying for us, and happy new year to all!

Louise Thompson, Chair