Easter Egg Hunt & Family Brunch
Absalom Jones Day and Concert By Theodicy Jazz Collective, Feb. 10-11

Save the dates! Saturday, February 10th at 7PM & Sunday, February 11th at 10AM! Two Jazz Experiences at St. Paul’s, Chestnut Hill, for Absalom Jones Day Celebration! The Rev. Absalom Jones, who was born into slavery in Delaware, became the first black priest in America. Jones was ordained in the Episcopal Church as a deacon […]
Welcome Home Sunday is September 11th!

Following our combined 10:00 AM service, all are invited to join us in the newly renovated Parish Hall for the 2022-2023 Ministry Fair. There will be food, fellowship, fun, and booths with representatives from our many ministries. You will be able to register for Godly Play and Saint Paul’s Youth, as well sign up to […]
Holy Week & Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday – April 10 8 a.m. Rite II Spoken Eucharist in the Sanctuary. No livestream available. 9 a.m. Family-friendly Rite II Choral Eucharist on the Labyrinth. Service will be recorded and available here on Sunday afternoon. 11 a.m. Rite II Choral Eucharist in the Sanctuary. Livestream and bulletin links found here. Note: There will […]
Albert: Farewell and Godspeed
At the end of July 25th’s 11 a.m. service The Rev. Canon Albert J. Ogle removed his chasuble that was then placed on the altar. This was the symbolic ending of Albert’s 25 months as St. Paul’s interim rector. It also marked his retirement after 44 years of active ministry. At all three of Sunday’s […]