
We have new locks!


… oops, not that kind.

This past week the locksmith from Van’s completed re-keying the interior doors for the campus except for Dixon House.  He will return next week to address Dixon House and the exterior doors.  While we have been fortunate over the years that we’ve never had major vandalism or theft, the world feels like a place where we need to take more precautions which is why we undertook this project.  The new keying schematic will make use of lock boxes with access codes as well as physical keys issued to individuals.

Moving forward there are some new policies on issuing keys.

  1. Only parishioners, tenants, and staff will be issued keys.
  2. Vendors and service providers will need to sign for a key and return it to the office when they finish their work.
  3. The new default will be for doors to be closed and locked.This includes classrooms, Feary Room, Swift Bird Room, Parish Hall, Kitchen, etc..

If you requested a key you will be contacted in the next week or two with more information.  Thanks to everyone for your patience during this project.  We are almost there.

Please contact or any other member of the property committee with questions or comments.