
Keys to the Kingdom? No…just keys to St. Paul’s.

Over the years the keying situation on our campus has devolved into complete chaos.  There are what seem like thousands upon thousands of keys in the office. Given the number of people who have had access for one reason or another, it’s probably safe to say that half the residents of Chestnut Hill have some type of a St. Paul’s key.

For several years, the property committee has had re-keying the campus on the list of projects tht need to be implemented to increase campus security.  This summer we will replace all locks on campus- inside and out – and implement a comprehensive key management system.  This is just the first of what will be a number of communications about the project.  Our intention is to have work completed by the beginning of the program year in September.

Please stay tuned for updates.  Contact any member of the property committee with any questions or comments.