
This Sunday – Christmas Pageant Rehearsal!

Dear Pageant People,

I hope this finds you well! I am reaching out to say it’s that time most wonderful time again! Pageant rehearsal will be after the 11:00 Service this Sunday! I am so grateful to be able to offer the St. Paul’s Christmas Pageant to Chestnut Hill and the surrounding communities this year. I am excited to work with The Rev. Callie Swanlund and Shyla Hungerford as our pageant leadership team.

I am reaching out with a couple important notes for you.

  1. Our second rehearsal will be this Sunday, December 10, immediately following the 11:00 AM service (we are shooting for 12:30 PM) in the Nave. We are asking that everyone who has committed to be a part of the pageant to attend at least three rehearsals (including the dress rehearsal). Rehearsals are scheduled to be no more than an hour and fifteen minutes.
  2. Sunday Rehearsal Schedule: December 10, and 17 at 12:30 PM in the Nave
  3. Dress rehearsal Friday, December 22 at 6:00 PM. 
  4. We will have copies of our pageant script on Sunday.
  5. Everyone’s favorite goats will be with us again this year!

Based on previous years, we have a tentative list of roles in the pageant. If you are unable to be in the pageant again this year that’s ok too, just let us know. Lastly, if you know of anyone who would like to join in please feel free to invite them to join in the fun! Sunday is an open call.

On behalf of the entire 2023 Pageant Leadership Team, thank you for participating in this year’s festivities. We look forward to gathering with you!

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Fr. Eric+