Sanctuary A/C Update: 4/19/24
After standing down construction during Holy Week, the crew is back on site, and we are in the home stretch.
- All work in the sanctuary is complete with the installation of the registers. Side aisles and ambulatories are fully open.
- Power wiring to the air handlers is complete and control wiring is in process.
- The new door to the atrium is installed.
- Painting has started
- Ceiling and lighting installation will start in the next few days
- Ductwork is 100% complete.
- The construction barrier at the top of the sacristy stairs is still in place and will be for a little while longer.
We are on track for an end-of-April completion. Stay cool.
Here are few photos of the work in progress.

South Aisle Registers

North Aisle Registers

Condensing Units

Condensate Piping Installation