
Organ Update, August 2024

Could this possibly be the final Organ Update? It seems likely!

The new console has been rolled into position and hooked up. The final stages of work included constructing ramps to move the old and new consoles, and a massively complex wiring operation to connect the system of 7000+ pipes and mechanical components to the new console. All that remains to be done is a punch list of small items, bug fixes, final wiring, the installation of a few remaining pipes, and some decorative wood finishes. This will continue over the next few weeks, but we expect the first Sunday service using the new console will be this Sunday August 25th, 2024.

It is four years since masked volunteers and members of the organ builders’ crew began dismantling the old pipework, which was ferried in many journeys up to organ shop in Vermont. The subsequent process of redesign, renewal, and return has been documented in these updates. It has been by turns exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating, and deeply rewarding. The conclusion of this mighty effort and a celebration of all who contributed to it will be highlighted in a series of special events (see below) and continued throughout the year at Sunday morning services. We look forward with much excitement to sharing our blessing well into the future, and warmly invite to St. Paul’s all who love to hear the sound of the mighty pipe organ .

“O praise ye the Lord! All things that give sound;
each jubilant chord re-echo around;
loud organs, His glory forth tell in deep tone,
and sweet harp, the story of what He hath done.”

Organ Rededication Series 2024-25

click each panel for further information

Review the renovation updates and photos.

Organ specifications 2024