
Organ Console Volunteers Needed

Ever dream of being a roadie?  Traveling with the band?  A different city every night?  The glamour?  Mere steps from stardom?  Now’s your chance!

Sort of.

If you’ve been following the progress of the organ work you know that we have the ability to move the console into the chancel for concerts.  Well, that doesn’t just happen.  It requires about two hours and four people.  We are looking for a group of six to eight volunteers who would like to be trained to do this.  The process requires manual labor and hand tools.  It is not difficult, but dexterity and some strength are required.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Remove knee wall and choir stalls on console side
  2. Install the access ramp which is in three manageable parts
  3. Remove the pedal board from the organ
  4. Unharness power and data form the organ
  5. Move console to position
  6. Re-install pews and knee wall
  7. Re-install pedal board
  8. Re-connect power and data

We would like to establish a trained pool who can be scheduled in groups of four when we need to move the console.  This will only be needed a few times per year.  A training session for mid-September is being scheduled.  At that time, we will have experts on site to show us how to remove the pews, take the organ apart, and move it.

If you’re interested, please contact Andy Kotylo

It’s never too late to live your dream.