
Growing our Generosity

JOIN THE GROWING LIST of ST. PAUL’S PLEDGERS!!  To pursue our vision for 2024, we must build and strengthen St. Paul’s from within.  We need everyone’s help and commitment to do this.  And as we move forward, you will witness the continuing emergence of a new, vibrant and thriving house of God.  Our shining beacons will beam ever stronger into our community and draw others together with us into the love of Christ.

Please MAKE YOUR PLEDGE FOR 2024 by going to and clicking on Pledge for 2024.  Fill in and submit your electronic pledge form.  If you prefer, use a printed pledge card and mail it to St. Paul’s at 22 E. Chestnut Hill Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118 or place it in the offering plate in person on Sunday.  Pledge cards have been mailed to all on our mailing list.  If you did not receive one, please call St. Paul’s at 215-242-2055 to request one.  They may also be found in the narthex at St. Paul’s.

Thank you to all who have pledged thus far! Click HERE