Reflections of the England Choir Trip

Vaulted ceiling of Exeter Cathedral by Kristen Poole Sometimes a curious thing happens when you return from summer travels. Upon re-entry, your home can seem at once deeply familiar and yet a little bit strange. The dimensions of your house might be a little different than remembered, the cat can look a little bit bigger […]
Christ’s College Cambridge at St. Paul’s

Saturday July 9th at 7:00pm The Chapel Choir of Christ’s College Cambridge, England Director of Music – Professor David Rowland East Coast USA Tour | St. Paul’s Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia Tickets $25 at the door (cash or check) PROGRAM Jesu, dulcis memoria Tómas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) I was glad Henry […]
Choral Repertoire July 2022
Adult Choir | Choral Visit to England This Music List is subject to change. Exeter Cathedral Sunday, July 24 – PENTECOST 17 10:00am Choral Eucharist Livestream INTROIT Set Me As a Seal – René Clausen MASS Mass in E-flat, Op. 109 – Joseph Rheinberger (Gloria, Sanctus/Benedictus, Agnus) ANTHEM Be Still, My Soul – Percy […]
The gallery organ takes shape

If you have been into the church in the last few days, you cannot fail to have noticed the magnificent structure of new pipework adorning the back wall of the rear gallery. While it is not quite complete, and not yet playable from the console, it is an exciting visible mark of progress towards the […]
Choral Evensong, May 22nd

Sunday May 22nd at 5:00pm Sixth Sunday of Easter at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Wilkes-Barre In preparation for its choral visit to England in July, the Adult Choir of St. Paul’s is privileged to be the guest choir for Evensong at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Wilkes-Barre. The service music is drawn from the repertoire […]