
Air-conditioning is coming to St. Paul’s … with your help!

Did you hear Fr. Eric’s exciting announcement that we are tantalizingly close to securing the funding needed to enable us to install air-conditioning in the sanctuary?  If you were in church on Welcome Back Sunday you will not need to be persuaded that we need it!  In case you missed it, here is the email from Fr. Eric that was sent to the parish on September 5th, and the brochure making the case for installing climate control at this time.   Contributions of any size will help to take us over the finish line and will be most gratefully received.  Donations submitted by September 30th will be matched by one of our donors – a very generous act of encouragement to all parishioners and friends to take part in this final step of the major renovation project that was begun in 2019.

As mentioned in Fr. Eric’s email, contributions to this project should not be considered as a substitute for your annual pledge this fall.

Giving is easy!  Here is how:

  • By check made out to St. Paul’s Church, with a notation on the memo line that it is intended for the air conditioning project.
  • Online via the St. Paul’s Realm portal (available to any credit card user) using the drop-down Fund box to select “Air Conditioning Campaign”
  • If you prefer to make your gift in installments, please ask Paul Diefenbach,, in the Parish Office for the Gift Payment Schedule form to indicate the payment schedule that you will follow. We ask that the form be returned before September 30 to secure the matched funds, and all payments should be completed by June 30, 2025.
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