
A Beautiful Letter From OMC

To Rev. Eric, Rev. Josiah, and the St. Paul’s Community,

From the moment our school fire raged to the present moment, you have always been there for us.  On that fateful sunny afternoon, we literally invaded your space somewhat stunned, somewhat stymied.  Yet, you opened your arms, space, and heart for each of us.  That Friday we were able to conduct our previously planned “Praise and Worship” evening, which was much needed, in your church.  We were invited to hold Pre-K classes in your classrooms.  We recently held another “Praise and Worship” night in your newly renovated Parish Hall.  Today, we received a most generous check of $3,000 from the proceeds of your final Evensong service, with a kind promise of continued help.  If this isn’t living the Gospel, faith in action, love of neighbor, I’m not sure anything else could qualify.

With grateful hearts,

Fr. John Fisher, OSFS, and the entire parish and school communities of OMC