
Adult Education Forum: Sacred Grounds THIS Sunday at 10AM in the Dixon House Library

The property committee and St. Paul’s Youth (SPY) have joined forces to lead an exciting new landscape initiative for the campus. We are taking part in a program sponsored by the National Wildlife foundation – Sacred Grounds. The program recognizes congregations, houses of worship, and faith communities who both create wildlife habitat and actively link faith practices to caring for the environment.

It is easy sometimes to feel overwhelmed by the scale and scope of habitat loss and species extinction, but this program is a way for us to do something tangible in our piece of the world to create a space where people and nature can thrive together. The central requirement for us to be designated as a Sacred Grounds site is planting a native plant garden/wildlife habitat. We want to do that and a bit more. As part of this work, we will plant new trees to replace the many that have been taken down over the years.

Come join us Sunday morning at 10:00 in the Dixon House to learn about this initiative. Kristen Poole will provide the larger theological context of why this is important, and Mark Duckett will speak about ideas for St. Paul’s campus and how all of us can be involved with this program as it unfolds between now and the fall.