
March 17 Adult Education Forum: Brynn Anderson

Join us in the Dixon House Library on Sunday, March 17 at 9:45a.m. for a special Adult Education Forum.

The concept of Law and Gospel is central to the Lutheran preaching and intellectual tradition. However, (and more importantly) it can be seen all around us in our everyday lives. We live within a world of expectations and constant fear (doom scrolling on social media, a constant work culture, wars, etc.) that is greatly in need of God’s comfort. In this forum, we will discuss what Law and Gospel is, and how it can not only inform our way of interpreting the Word of God, but also help us identify God moving within our lives.

Brynn is a 2nd year Master of Divinity Student at United Lutheran Seminary. She is also an Entranced Candidate for Word and Sacrament Ministry in the ELCA.