
Christmas Season Events at St. Paul’s

Sunday Breakfast Returns September 15!

September Outreach Donations: Depaul

Welcome Home Sunday is September 8!

There will be one combined 10 a.m. service welcoming parishioners back after the summer months and in preparation for the start of the program year on September 15. Following the service, all are invited to the St. Paul’s Ministry Fair and lunch in the Parish Hall. Also during the fair, our very own Van Williams […]

We Are Looking for a new Nursery Attendant!

We are in the process of looking for a new part-time Nursery Attendant to provide childcare for infants, toddlers and preschoolers in the Nursery at St. Paul’s on Sundays and other occasions, so that children are provided a safe and loving environment. This individual should be over the age of 21 and must pass a […]