Adult Education Forum “Syriac Christianity: A Love Story” with Kim Leach. 10AM in the Dixon House Library
Our experience as Western or Latin Rite Christians including both Catholic and Protestant denominations may seem far removed from the beliefs, rituals, and practices of Eastern Rite Christianity and particularly the Oriental Rite, namely Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, and Ethiopian churches. However, the Book of Acts tells us the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch […]
MLK Day of Service: January 19 at 11 a.m. in the Parish Hall
MLK Event 2025: There will be three beneficiaries of our collective efforts this year: your contribution of a non-perishable food item will benefit St. Luke’s food pantry 1000 snack bags will be created to benefit Face to Face Germantown Wound Care kits and snack bags will be made to benefit The Clare Project, serving the […]
St. Paul’s Day & Festival of Sacred Song with Theodicy Jazz Collective: January 25-26

Save the dates! Saturday, January 25th at 7PM & Sunday, January 26th at 10AM! Two Jazz Experiences at St. Paul’s, Chestnut Hill, for St. Paul’s Day Celebration! Saturday, January 25, 7:00pm A Festival of Sacred Song with Theodicy Jazz Collective Theodicy Jazz Collective is perhaps the nation’s foremost liturgically-based jazz ensemble, having led services and […]
2024 Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Update
We’re thrilled to share some good news. Thanks to the kindness and support of St. Paul’s and the local community, we were able to donate 160 Thanksgiving meals to St. Barnabas Food Pantry at St. Luke’s Germantown, Face to Face, and the Roslyn Food Cupboard! Thanksgiving can be a tough time for many people in […]
Coffee Chats at Face to Face

Face to Face has Coffee Chats with Mary Kay, our Executive Director and the next one is coming up on January 23 at 10:30 a.m. They are a great way for folks to learn more about Face to Face! Attached is the invite graphic. Since Face to Face is connected with St. Paul’s outreach, I parishioners […]