Choral Scholars

The Choral Scholar program at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chestnut Hill, is intended to introduce young and talented vocalists to quality choral music in a church setting. Through their involvement with St. Paul’s esteemed choir, Choral Scholars will have the opportunity to work with accomplished musicians on a weekly basis, perform a large volume of quality music at a very high level, and gain further proficiency in sight-reading and vocal confidence. Young singers will also gain insight into the requirements of being a professional musician.
Choral Scholars for the 2024-25 season are currently being recruited. Auditions for all voice parts will be held by appointment. To apply, contact Dr. Andrew Kotylo, Director of Music.
Weekly Schedule
Thursdays: Rehearsal 7:00–9:00pm
Sundays: Choral Eucharist 11:00am (10:00am call)
and a monthly 5:00pm service (Choral Evensong, Lessons & Carols, etc.)
Other special services as scheduled, such as Christmas Eve and during Holy Week
$25 per appearance (about $2200 over the course of the year)
Conflicts with school calendars are negotiable.
“I would be remiss if I did not credit the musicianship, professionalism, and overall understanding of choral literature I gained being a Choral Scholar at St. Paul’s. The excitement of engaging in a bucketload of new music each week was the preparation I needed for my development as a young singer. For me, it was the rite of passage into studying music further in college and wanting to be a choral singer professionally.”
RL, Choral Scholar 2016-19
“Not only did this program expose me to a professional rehearsal schedule and set of expectations – placing emphasis on both my participation and preparedness – but it also allowed me to sing fabulous repertoire with incredible people and tour with the choir. The Choral Scholar position inspired me to pursue music after high school, and the lessons I learned during my time at St. Paul’s have continually helped me.”
CRB, Choral Scholar 2016-19
“I find it difficult to articulate concisely just what this program has meant to me, as it touched upon so many different aspects of my life … I have grown a great deal musically and spiritually … As a culminating experience, getting to sing in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London was incredible.”
JM, Choral Scholar 2015-17
“Being a part of the Choral Scholar Program at St. Paul’s was an amazing experience. I was exposed to rich, beautiful choral music while learning valuable music theory tools such as sight reading. This program has prepared and influenced me to go on to major in music, and I am incredibly thankful for it.”
MKB, Choral Scholar 2013-15