Face to Face
St. Paul’s parishioners regularly serve meals to the hungry and homeless at Face to Face, located in Germantown. The Face to Face Dining Room provides healthy nutritious lunches Friday through Monday, and help is always needed.
At Face to Face, the goal is to meet basic human needs and to reduce suffering. Struggling families, individuals and the homeless are welcomed and treated with dignity and respect. Face to Face offers a dining room, a nurse-managed health center, a legal center, a social services center, and children’s summer camps and after-school programs. They also have a washeteria where people can take a hot shower and receive a new set of clothes. Face to Face serves 2,500 people annually and has been a stable presence in Germantown for over 20 years.
The Face to Face dining room alleviates hunger by serving hot, nourishing meals to low-income families as well as single and homeless individuals. For guests, the dining room is much more than a place to get a hot meal; it is their family room where they feel part of a community that values them. Doors open by 9 a.m. and people are invited to sit, relax, read, enjoy coffee and socialize while they wait for their meal. Last year, more than 2,000 individuals gave of their time to ensure that the dining room provided an enjoyable experience for guests. Volunteers serve each meal as though they were serving guests in their own home.
Additionally Face to Face is the recipient of grants from the St. Paul’s Rummage Sale proceeds, and is a beneficiary of the Five Fridays concert series presented by Music at St. Paul’s.
To join our efforts to feed the hungry, please contact us.