Choral Evensong

About Evensong
Evensong is the name for the Service of Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. This service has been the principal evening liturgy of the Anglican and Episcopal tradition since the year 1549, when Thomas Cranmer combined the two monastic services of Vespers and Compline. Typically in Choral Evensong the main elements are sung by the choir. We are blessed with an immense and rich repertoire of musical settings specifically composed for this liturgy, that date from the 16th century to the present day. The congregation participates in the hymns and spoken sections of the liturgy, as well as in quiet prayer and meditation throughout the service. Many find the musical expression of the scripture and prayers to be a means of drawing nearer to the presence of God.
Choral Evensong and other special evening service dates
All services begin at 5:00pm. Links at each date will provide further details, a music list, and livestream links.
St. Paul’s Services Archived on YouTube
Sunday September 17, 2023
Choral Evensong
Sung by the Adult Choir
Details and music
Sunday October 8, 2023
Choral Evensong
Sung by the choir of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Salem, OR
Details and music
Sunday November 5, 2023
All Saints’ Commemoration Eucharist: Duruflé Requiem
Sung by the Adult Choir
Details and music
Sunday November 26, 2023
Choral Evensong for the Feast of St. Cecilia
Sung by the Adult Choir and Choristers
Details and music
Sunday December 17, 2023
Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
Sung by the Adult Choir and Choristers
Details and music