Livestream Information
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 22, 2024
11 a.m. Service 11 a.m. Bulletin
8 a.m.
Spoken Rite II Eucharist in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Eric P. Hungerford is celebrant and preacher. The Rev. Madeleine Harris-Lerew is assisting. No livestream available.
8:30 – 9:45 a.m.
Breakfast in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to attend breakfast in the Parish Hall between 8:30 and 9:45am prepared by our dedicated Breakfast Teams. This week, we will be serving Eggs Benedict.
9 a.m.
Family-Friendly Rite II Eucharist on the Labyrinth. The Rev. Eric P. Hungerford is celebrant and preacher. The Rev. Madeleine Harris-Lerew is assisting. Music is led by Dr. Andrew Kotylo and Karen Richter. No livestream available.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Youth Formation classes meet in the classroom wing, starting at the conclusion of the 9:00 service (approximately 10AM) and ending at 11:00. Find out more.
- Preschool (age 3)-2nd grade meet in the Fearey Room for Godly Play.
- 3rd – 5th graders meet in the Godly Play Room 1.
- Middle and High schoolers meet for Saint Paul’s Youth (S.P.Y).
Parents’ Exchange: Parents meet in the Swift Bird Room (10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) concurrent with the Youth Formation classes to share ideas on the joys and challenges of parenthood, seek support, and encourage each other.
Adult Education Forum: On Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. in Dixon House, join us for our Adult Education Hour.
11 a.m.
Choral Rite II Eucharist in the Sanctuary. The Rev. Eric P. Hungerford is celebrant and preacher. The Rev. Madeleine Harris-Lerew is assisting. Music is led by Dr. Andrew Kotylo and the St. Paul’s Choir. Livestream and bulletin links found above.
7 p.m.
Compline Service on the Labyrinth. Music is led by Karen Richter. All are welcome! No livestream available.
For those who do not attend church services in person, we encourage you to make use of our Virtual Collection Plate. Please contribute what you would normally have given each Sunday and help Saint Paul’s continue its important work!