Pledge for 2023


“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

 John 15:11 NIV

This year at St. Paul’s Church, we are committed to a transformational kind of generosity.  It is a generosity based on the knowledge that God’s abundant gifts touch every aspect of our lives. Part of that abundance is the joy that Jesus speaks of in this passage from John’s Gospel. Jesus wants our joy to be total and fill every part of our lives.


Pledge Brochure 2023

Click images to enlarge.

Brochure outside

Brochure inside

I/we make this pledge to St. Paul’s Church in thanksgiving for all God’s blessings and in the spirit of Christ’s love and generosity.

If you wish to increase a pledge that you previously submitted, please make an additional pledge in the amount of the increase.

Online Pledge Form

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