Worship Ministries


Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness…

Psalm 96:9

Worship is the center of all that we do at St. Paul’s, and over 150 parishioners volunteer their time in worship-related ministries. There are many roles to fill, from serving as an acolyte or choir member to being on the altar or flower guild. Participating in a worship ministry is a great way to get involved and make connections at St. Paul’s, so you are encouraged, whether you are new to us or not, to consider offering your time and talent in service to God.

If you have an interest in serving in any of the ministries described below, please contact the chair of the ministry listed in the descriptions.

Our Ministries

View the 2021 Annual Report & Ministry Directory

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Acolytes serve at the 8, 9 & 11 AM services on Sunday mornings. In addition to leading the procession, an acolyte assists with the lighting of the candles, offering, and assists during the communion. We are especially needy at the 8 a.m. service and are encouraging youth to participate in a rotating schedule at the 9 a.m. service. If you have an interest in the acolyte ministry, please contact Doug Anderson.

The altar guild is made up of teams which serve on a designated Sunday each month. The guild sets up the altar, credence table and offertory table for all three Sunday liturgies. Duties include proper placement of the linens, sacred vessels, candles, and the elements of bread and wine. Linen cleaning and polishing of the silver pieces is also a function of the altar guild. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Jonathan Nidock, chair of the altar guild.

The bread baking team provides the homemade host for the three eucharist services held each Sunday. The fresh bread is delivered either to the rectory on Saturday evening or to the sacristy early on Sunday morning. Each team member bakes approximately every six to eight weeks. To join this team, contact Holly Peirce.

Music at Saint Paul’s Church is an integral part of the worship experience.  From the tiniest cherubs who sing at the 9 a.m. service to the choristers both novice, junior, and senior and the adult choir, more than 60 individuals are involved in the program at the church.  For more information, go to the Choirs page.  If you would like to join one of the choirs, contact the Director of Music.

“The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.” Every Sunday morning a parishioner(s) puts on a white alb and a large Canterbury cross to signify that they will be the chalice bearers of the morning. It takes very little skill to participate in this ministry, just a steady hand. If you would like to join those who serve already in this capacity, contact Madeline Schroth.

Each week our high altar is decorated with floral arrangements made by small teams of parishioners who quietly come on Saturday morning with their flora, leaving the altar at the end of the morning beautifully adorned with flowers given in memory or thanksgiving. The entire guild comes out for the decorating of the church at Christmas and Easter when all hands on deck are needed. If you have an interest in floral arranging and would like to join a team or even be a substitute team player, please contact Alix Jones.

Healing prayers are offered in the chapel at the 11 AM service during communion. All are welcome to receive prayers in the chapel, either for themselves or for others. Family and friends may join you in offering prayers for those who are in need of healing, for those who are grieving, for those who need consolation, and for those who wish to give thanks to God. The prayers of the whole community of St. Paul’s Church are extended in support of you or your loved ones. After you receive communion, please exit the communion rail to the left and join the line outside the chapel. Healing ministers keep all requests for prayer confidential. If you have an interest in being part of the laying-on-of-hands team, contact the Rev. Daniel Kline.

Approximately fifty volunteers comprise the lector and intercessor pool, delivering the word of God to the congregation each week and offering up the prayers of the people and prayers for the candidates at baptisms. To join the lector team, contact Robert Smith.

Modeled on the successful breakfast teams, the eight rotating teams of welcomers meet, greet, pass out bulletins, bring up the gifts, collect the offering, and assist at communion in the ambulatories. Also intergenerational like the lector ministry, it is the goal of the team to provide at least one person to help at the earlier services and to have four on-hand greeters and ushers at the 11 AM service. This ministry is chaired by Stewart Graham.